Hi, Moterm friends,
We plan to release the following products in our Website & Aliexpress store at 8 am EST next Tuesday, November 19!
- Regular Pocket 2.0 rings planner
Vegetable Tanned Leather
New color - Grapefruit.
Restocked - Aprcot, Honey, Caramel.
Website: https://moterm.com/products/regular2-ringsplanner-a7-vege
Aliexpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256805786321907.html
Pebbled Grain Leather
Restocked - Quartz, Chocolate, Olive.
Website: https://moterm.com/products/moterm-regular-2-0-rings-planner-pocket-pebbled
Aliexpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256803407466287.html
- Regular Personal 2.0 rings planner
Pebbled Grain Leather
New colors - Quartz, Lavender.
Restocked - Light blue, Grey.
Website: https://moterm.com/products/moterm-regular-2-0-rings-planner-personal-pebbled
Aliexpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256803281301894.html
Thank you for your support of Moterm all the way!